Sunday, March 7, 2010

Beer Review: Trois Pistoles

I'm not going to lie. I bought this beer because of the label. It’s a Pegasus running in the sky over a chapel! How could I resist!

This is a handsome, Canadian beer. A dark, carmely, malty offering from our brothers to the North. For the record, I don’t like malty things, but Trois Pistoles is not overpoweringly malty. It’s a good malty. I’m ok with this level of malty. Not a very complex beer (which is fine), but it does have a dash of fruity hue in the background. Actually, more like if you could taste a still-life portrait of fruit painted by a community college student. Aww, man. Once I though of that, that is EXACTLY what this beer tastes like. I know it sounds bad, but really some of those students are very talented. They’re just trying to save money and get their GE credits out of the way before transferring to a university. Don’t judge.

That being said, this beer wins on scent. It has a warm, manly scent. I would prefer something with less malt, but hey, who am I to argue with this mysterious foreign stranger. Trois Pistoles does what he wants and I am not the woman to change him.

Beer score: 6.5 out of 10

Plusses: Handsome

Minuses: Malty. Lost his syllabus in the first week of the semester and keeps asking you how much the final is worth.

1 comment:

Adriana said...

I enjoy that you described this beer as handsome.